Random Album
What does it do?
It selects random albums from your Spotify library and adds the tracks of those albums to your Spotify play
queue in correct order.
The application can be run multiple times, so you can add as many albums to your queue as you want.
Spotify does not currently provide the functionality to
"shuffle albums", or to play randomly selected albums from your library. This application creates that
functionality: by clicking the button you can add as many random albums to your Spotify play queue as you want
and enjoy your favorite albums in random order for as long as you like :)
How to use it?
- Open your Spotify client
- (optional) Go to "Your Library" -> "Albums" and make sure all your favorite albums are there
- Hit "Play" to register your client (yeah, it is silly but this is really needed!)
- (optional) Open your queue in Spotify client and hit "Clear queue". The queue can be found here:
- Click the button below to log in and add all the tracks of your randomly selected albums to the queue.
Note that you have to give all the requested permissions to the application or it will not work properly.
Hit one of the blue buttons below to do the thing :)
Standard use case: normal (non-browser) Spotify client, add all tracks of every album
2 albums
5 albums
10 albums
20 albums
Use case: browser client (wait 5 seconds between adding tracks to preserve order)
2 albums
5 albums
10 albums
20 albums
Use case: normal (non-browser) Spotify client, do NOT add instrumental / remix / edit etc. tracks
2 albums
5 albums
10 albums
20 albums
Use case: browser client, do NOT add instrumentals etc.
Notes & known issues
- If you get an error saying "There was an error during the authentication" you can just ignore it for now. One track will be skipped, but the app is still adding the rest of the tracks to the queue so just give it some time to complete the action. I'll fix this when I have time :)
- The queue can display only 81 tracks at a time, even though it really contains all the tracks that
have been added to it!
- If your Spotify client is not playing when you try to add random albums, the tracks will not be added to the
queue. Spotify is a bit silly that way :)
- If you use the Spotify client for web browsers, the order of tracks is not preserved if the tracks are added
too quickly. This is apparently a bug with Spotify. Use the correct buttons when using the browser Spotify
- Filtering is not 100% accurate yet
- When adding 10+ albums, the rate of track addition has been throttled slightly to make sure that the Spotify
API doesn't start rejecting the addition requests. But you may still encounter some cases where some tracks
will not be added. Please report these cases so I can adjust the throttling further.
Possible future plans
- Add the possibility to generate a playlist with random albums instead of adding to the queue
- Q: Why is the app so slow?
A: First, the application needs to read your albums in batches of 50. Second, the tracks need to be
added one by one.
Notes on privacy & GDPR
The application does not collect your personal data. Only your Spotify ID and your actions are saved to the logs
to make troubleshooting possible.
By using this application you agree to logging your Spotify ID and your actions.
The logs are readable only by the author of this application.
Click the link above for contact information. All feedback is most welcome :)